About Us

We welcome you to learn more about EasyCashPOS. EasyCashPOS software was created as a result of the need for a system that would provide retailers with solutions that would address their specific needs.

For over 20 years we have been developing and servicing POS systems for a variety of retailers. We provide point-of-sale and technological solutions to our clients, that gets to the very heart of their needs.

easy cash pos

There are many retail and software solutions in the market place today, but many fall short when it comes to delivering the retailer what they really need for their IT solutions. A system that will accomodate their specific needs, (as each retail operation has different demands). In Canada language and tax changes from Province to Province alone, makes using U.S. based software a nightmare. This is what makes EasyCashPOS different. We understand how POS systems are used, so we know how to make them perform.

Our product will work in many retail markets, but in our core markets (general retail, water stores, pet food stores, toys, grocery / delli and mail boxes type retailers) we excell.

We give our customers the potential to maximize profits while minimizing their costs. This is what EasyCashPOS can achieve. So give us a call and see what we can do for you.

Have a Question?
Call us now at 1-888-466-8806
to speak to a Representative.