Custom Design

If you have specialized needs for POS software, we can accomodate your desires with Custom Design POS.

EasyCashPOS’s development division designs, develops, and implements custom POS software solutions for small to medium-sized companies.

This allows large companies to reduce costs while maximizing their profits. For smaller companies this can help their businesses grow.


Adapted our POS software to include enhanced ware house tracking, and online / web purchasing applications for a Fortune 500 company’s employee benefits program. Thousands of employees for this firm can order products online across Canada, thereby dramatically reducing the cost of maintaning this employee benefit.

Added POS enhanced payment solutions for a small but growing automated kiosk retailer. This retailer can now monitor it’s customer purchases, and better track their buying habits, so as to adjust their marketing and promotions more effectively.

The needs change per client, but we can always adapt to your specific needs. EasyCashPOS’s software designers and developers will work to design and develop a solution that meets your unique requirements.

Remember if your company has specific needs that cannot be met with off-the-shelf POS software products alone, then contact EasyCashPOS to see if a custom application is right for you.

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